Wednesday, February 17, 2010

You AutoComplete Me

We've all heard the news about Google Buzz by now, right? Everyone is up in arms about the fact that Google has developed yet another way to broadcast every detail of our life to everyone around us.

But, did you know that google is also keeping track of things you're not purposely trying to broadcast? Yup, you guessed it...they're keeping track of your search terms, more commonly known as the "autocomplete" feature.

I actually read about this awhile ago, when I read a blog post by Dan Ariely, author of Predictably Irrational, a fascinating book about how and why we make our decisions. Professor Ariely's book is all about real-world application, so he decided to check up on what people were searching for on google. He started a search fragment with "how can I get my boyfriend to" and "how can I get my girlfriend to" and waited for autocomplete to kick in. This is what he came up with:

Enlightening, right? I guess, to get a guy to propose, a girl needs to give him head, lose weight, and have sex with him. Perhaps the oral sex light from my old post would come in handy during this??? A couple more searches on my own showed me just how much people rely on google to give them advice about things they should be talking to a licensed professional about. For example, when I typed in "how can I" one of the top ten results was "get pregnant." I have to say, if you're asking google, you probably shouldn't be bringing a child into this world. And when I typed in "why can't I" I got both "own a Canadian" (yes, really!!!!) and our old favorite, "get pregnant." Apparently, google is the new sex ed, or maybe this is the result of eight years of abstinence-only education. Either way, just remember that when you're searching, google is watching...

PS-In case you need some entertainment that's right up there with the fail blog, there's a whole site dedicated to crazy autocompletes. Check it out here

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