Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Next thing you know, we'll be standing in line for bread and potatoes...

You probably know that Joseph McCarthy was a Republic Senator from the state of Wisconsin, best known for pursuit of alleged "Communists" during the Cold War.

What you might not know is that we've got a McCarthy-style witchhunt going on right in our midst. Michael Rosenberg, a Detroit Free Press "journalist," wrote this article back at the end of August, alleging that the U of M football program had violated a variety of NCAA rules. This ignited a firestorm on the blogosphere, with allegations being hurled back and forth, and any reasonable person coming to the conclusion that the Free Press writers seem to have an unhealthy obsession with bringing U of M down.

It also resulted in this:

This (the article, not the photo) triggered an NCAA investigation, and today, the NCAA issued a "notice of allegations" regarding the alleged violations. What's interesting to note, though, is how this was interpreted by various parties involved. The Free Press issued an article (also co-written by Michael Rosenberg) with a headline that practically screams "NCAA alleges 5 potential major rules violations by U of M football program." I refuse on principle to actually read the article, but if you go to mgoblog.com (my personal favorite source for thoughtful U of M sports-related analysis), you'll discover that there were more like three violations, only one of which could be considered *major* (the QC assistants overstepping their bounds and performing prohibited coaching activities--see the mgoblog article for more info).

At this point, the Free Press basically *has* to backpedal (although we know they won't). In fact, mgoblog calls it a "free press: fail" (perhaps we could get that on failblog.org???). I won't get into the analysis of all the allegations, but it's hard to believe that any legitimate journalist in any other city would be able to get away with this type of "investigative journalism." Or that they would be employed by a respectable news organization. I don't know why Rosenberg and the rest of the Freep has it out for U of M, but I have to wonder if their audacity will ever end...

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