Sunday, March 7, 2010

Mommy, what's a slutpuppy?

Those who know me well know that I am a big fan of made up words. Foshe (short for fo' sho' short for for sure). Obvs (short for obvious). But my favorite fake word creation is slutpuppy.

I won't reveal the origination of the word, but I started using it about three years ago, and it's caught on so much, all my friends know what I'm talking about when I use it. So, what does it mean. Well, in my mind, when I say slutpuppy, I'm talking about some wide-eyed youngish girl who is just enamored with some guy, without actually knowing that much about him, and unwilling to acknowledge that he might have some flaws. The guy is usually significantly older than the girl, and the girl is likely pretty naive and easily impressed. And the age difference has to increase for slutpuppy qualification as the woman gets older. For example, a 20-year-old girl with a 25 or 26-year-old guy could absolutely be a slutpuppy. But if the woman were 40, the man would more likely be closer to 55. I know it's arbitrary, but since it's my word, I get to make the rules :-).

What's funny, though, is that after I'd been using this word for a while, I had the bright idea to look it up on google one day--you know, to see if anyone was as creative as me :-). One problem though--I decided to do this at work. Well, as you can imagine, searching for anything with the word "slut" in the name is likely to pull up a lot of porn. I spend the next 2 weeks convinced that I was going to get fired for searching for porn at work. Luckily for me, I wasn't.

But when I searched again (at home of course) I discovered that Urban Dictionary has two definitions, one of which is basically the opposite of mine (i.e., a man who "likes the ladies"). So, next time you spot a slutpuppy, feel free to steal my made-up word. Or just buy her a t-shirt!

PS-Wondering if there's male equivalent to the slutpuppy? Of course there is! The male of the species is known by "slutkitten," although I have to say, for me, it's been harder to use. But maybe that's just because there are fewer slutkittens in the world...:-)

1 comment:

  1. Haha -- I remember where that word came from! Totes awesome post :-)
